Ministering Together is a Christian ministry founded by Wayne & Liz Duley in 2017. Centered in Santiago de los Caballeros Dominican Republic, the Duleys are involved in various mission opportunties to share the love of Jesus with those around them.
Please follow this website for the latest projects and ministry opportunities as well as updates and praise reports from the mission field.

Learn about all of our ongoing ministries, our ministry needs and our active and completed projects.
Latest News
- News From the FieldThis week we were told that the quarantine would continue for another 25 days, then there was a big governmental meeting and now it is reduced to 15 more days. Why is this important you might ask? Every day we are not out there in the public sharing the Gospel […]
- (no title)May 12, 2020 Looking out the window at a beautiful morning here in the Dominican Republic. Just looking out one would never guess that the whole world is turned upside down. Economies are shut down and crashing, people are sick and dying, hunger is rampant, fighting, fears on every side. […]
- 04/15/2020Greetings from The Dominican Republic! If you are like us, you are all getting very restless from the lock down of our lives right now. Fear not dear ones God is still on His Throne. He is not running around wondering “What in the world are we going to do?”!!! […]
Recent Devotionals
- IF MY PEOPLEI’ve been studying in 2 Chronicles lately, and am amazed at the golden nuggets the Lord has hidden in these verses of scripture. In Chapter 17 I was studying about King Jehoshaphat. In verse 3 it says “And the Lord was WITH Jehoshaphat. Oh beloved ones, shouldn’t we all yearn to have it said “The […]
- SALVATIONJESUS said “Come unto ME all you who are heavy laden and I WILL give you rest! The LORD JESUS said “I assure you….unless you are converted and become as little children, you will NEVER enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3) JESUS said “ My sheep hear My voice, I know them and they […]
- ALL To HIMGod works in many, various and sundry ways in the lives of those He calls to be saved and become HIS disciples. I was reading a biography on Richard C. Halverson this morning. His change came while listening to Dr. George S. McCune, a pioneer missionary to Korea speak. Here is his account of what […]