Category: Devotionals


I’ve been studying in 2 Chronicles lately, and am amazed at the golden nuggets the Lord has hidden in these verses of scripture.  In Chapter 17 I was studying about King Jehoshaphat.  In verse 3 it says “And the Lord was WITH Jehoshaphat.  Oh beloved ones, shouldn’t we all yearn to have it said “The Lord walked with Liz, Mary, Frank, John…..?  When I read that I yearned for it but then I thought why did the Lord walk with Jehoshaphat?  I did not have to go far to get my answer.  It says it right there in verses 3 … Read more


  • JESUS said “Come unto ME all you who are heavy laden and I WILL give you rest!

The LORD JESUS said “I assure you….unless you are converted and become as little children, you will NEVER enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3)

JESUS said “ My sheep hear My voice, I know them and they follow Me, I give them eternal life, and they will never perish!  No one will snatch them out of my hand.  John 10:27-28.
There is only one gate to enter heaven and that is a narrow gate.  Jesus is that narrow gate.  He said “come … Read more


God works in many, various and sundry ways in the lives of those He calls to be saved and become HIS disciples.  I was reading a biography on Richard C. Halverson this morning.  His change came while listening to Dr. George S. McCune, a pioneer missionary to Korea speak.  Here is his account of what happened:  ” The issue was very clear; CHRIST wanted my life in full surrender.  I literally broke out in a cold sweat as I realized this.  At that moment surrendering to CHRIST seemed to mean the end of everything I’d ever dreamed of for myself.  … Read more


What the Lord says from Philippians 4:5-8; 3:7-11  April 16, 2020

  • Let your Gentleness be evident to ALL, THE LORD IS NEAR,
  • DO NOT BE ANXIOUS about anything but in EVERYTHING by PRAYER and petition with thanksgiving present your REQUESTS TO GOD
  • And the PEACE of GOD, which transcends all Understanding, WILL GUARD YOUR HEARTS and YOUR MINDS in CHRIST JESUS.
  • FINALLY brothers, whatever is TRUE, whatever is NOBLE, whatever is RIGHT, whatever is PURE, whatever is LOVELY, whatever is ADMIRABLE- if anything is EXCELLENT, or PRAISEWORTHY- Think about such things.
  • BUT whatever was to my profit I now consider
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